This year’s season offers projects that will present the choir and singers in various roles and allow children (and parents) to get an insight into the choir’s varied repertoire. But do not expect them to just sit and listen at our concerts! We will invite members of our young audience to the stage to join us in singing together, accompanying the choir on all sorts of instruments and leave with a song on their lips of course.
A concert of festive cantatas will take us to royal courts where there may also be a dragon as well as princes and princesses. At a Christmas concert we can demonstrate why the voice is such a lovely instrument that can even aspire to those heavenly angelic choirs. Finally, children can look forward to a picnic concert with singing fairies, the tranquillity of a garden and music workshops where they can learn how to make a flute from the weeds of Stromovka Park.
We now invite whole families – grannies, granddads, aunties, parents and children of course, to family educational concerts.
We believe that listening to as well as creating music is a team work experience, making it a shared and community building experience – in this respect choir singing has always been unique.
We traditionally organise concerts for schools, this time in interesting buildings around Prague. In churches and theatres that, for example, besides the atmosphere also offer school pupils the experience of beautiful places which they would probably otherwise not get to see.
When the Prague Philharmonic Choir asked me to collaborate on its projects, I was excited. I have had a soft spot for choirs from an early age. When I was about six years old I heard a large choir at a concert for the first time and I immediately fell in love – with the big sound, festive atmosphere and also a little with the moment when an army of singers suddenly stands up together from their chairs. That was my favourite moment. It was pure majesty for me.
Obviously the tonality and opportunities open to a choir are far more varied; from those big and grandiose to the delicate and intimate ones. But this, after all, is rather complicated for a young audience. At most concerts the position of the actual choir is usually rather distant, somewhere behind the orchestra where it is probably too difficult to see. This I want to change together with the singers and choirmaster Lukáš Kozubík, and bring the choir closer to young and older audiences not just visually, but also altogether practically, close to the ear and eye, and sometimes even within their reach.
The educational projects are not just a “learning” method for me. They are much more – a space for common joy, amazement of beauty, fun and building memories as well as friendship. It is a way of cultivating the soul through a shared experience and thereby gaining greater insight and understanding of the beauty of music. And ideally I get a lot of enjoyment from this. So I invite you to season 23/24.
All of you, together and with joy.
Klára Boudalová
scriptwriter and concert presenter