Smetana Litomysl
Smetana Litomysl

Datum konání

Sun 15. June 2025


Castle Courtyard
Jiráskova 93 , Litomyšl, 570 01

Typ události


Arthur Honegger Le Roi David


Kateřina Kněžíková soprano
Helen Charlston alto

Dovlet Nurgeldiyev tenor
Vladimír Polívka narrator

Prague Philharmonic Choir
Lukáš Vasilek choirmaster

Prague Philharmonia
Lukáš Vasilek conductor

Le Roi David is one of the masterpieces of Swiss composer Arthur Honegger. Written in 1921, it represents a significant milestone in his musical development. This oratorio is based on the biblical figure of King David, known from the Old Testament. Le Roi David is remarkable not only for its musical quality but also for its ability to create an emotional and dramatic space in which the biblical story comes to life as an intense experience for the audience.

At the festival, it will be performed in an extraordinary rendition featuring world-class soloists, a narrator, a large choir, and an orchestra.

Pražský filharmonický sbor
Skupina ČEZ

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